Lead time & Cost
Each project is subject to individual estimation, but from the experience of past projects, the average timeline looks as follows:
Big Combo Audit:
More than 3000 sloc* / 4+ weeks (including triage and reaudit)
Medium Combo Audit:
Up to 3000 sloc / 3 weeks (including triage and reaudit)
Small Combo Audit :
Up to 1000 sloc / 2 weeks (including triage and reaudit)
Diff audit:
100 - 1000 sloc / up to 1 week.
*sloc (Source lines of code ) - number of lines of code without comments and blanks.
The following items are taken into account when pricing an audit contest:
Bounty fund for the community of solo auditors
Lead auditor fee for interim audit, triage, re-audit, final report issuance
Last updated